ground of conditons:
a curated urban arrangement
University of Illinois at Chicago
School of Architecture
Instructors : Maria Julia Capomaggi, Grant Gibson, Clare Lyster, Andrew Moddrell, Sean Lally, Abigail Chang
Site: None
This studio explored the meta-planning of the Jeffersonian Grid, and the sponsored architectural typologies resulting across a variety of American landscapes. The relations between architectural objects, their collective assemblage within their respective grids, as well as their combined relationship to program and infrastructure was explored in terms of urbanity.
In partial collaboration with Michael Manalansan & Madison Wiltgen.
Studying a variety of American landscape strips sourced from Miami, the first trimester of the semester related each urban density to one another by the creation of a lattice. Overlaps created areas in which conflicting urban design techniques met, and through precedent studies, were resolved into a final site through a curated combination of the spaces in-between.
In collaboration with M.Manalansan & M. Wiltgen
The Ground of Conditions is less so about the individual elements of the project, defining itself in the relationships each feature co-creates. The ground condition is constantly encountering an adversity in which one component shifts to compliment the other. In the case of farming, the housing moves underground as to accommodate spacing for crops. In the areas in which the trees are tall and dense, the houses are raised to form a community in the tree canopies. The housing then works by layering on the ground condition, before finally creating a space in which the ground condition and the community become one.